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Endangered species in a sentence

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Sentence count:139+5Posted:2017-03-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: endangeredendangerspeciesin dangerdangerdangerousout of dangerangerMeaning: n. a species whose numbers are so small that the species is at risk of extinction. 
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31. Mr Pinkerton brilliantly succeeds in convincing the reader that big government is an endangered species.
32. As a result, it is protected under the Endangered Species Act.
33. Ocelots, jaguars, otters, tapirs, harpy eagles, and other endangered species survive there.
34. This was four months before the Endangered Species Act became law.
35. Stand-alone hospitals are an endangered species unless they have a unique service to offer.
36. Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt has already taken action on endangered species, land management issues and reorganizing its science programme.
37. However monkey, chimpanzee and many other rare and endangered species are plundered from the forest and killed for food.
38. As a threatened species, the snowy plover is protected under the federal Endangered Species Act.
39. Today the locations of many rare or endangered species are closely guarded secrets.
40. Young, who in 1973 voted in favor of the original Endangered Species Act, contends it has been a failure.
41. Environmentalists say that the area includes the habitats of at least 20 endangered species.
42. Today, with competition first from high street supermarkets and now from out of town hypermarkets, they are an endangered species.
43. Although the tiger is an endangered species,( species.html) it is still hunted in some areas.
44. He says what endangered species conflicts are really all about is a lack of planning.
45. Great economic sacrifices have been made by developers, loggers and fishermen to protect endangered species.
46. Export and import licences are forged, people paid off and endangered species or their products smuggled in.
47. As a result of anti-pollution laws, some companies have become endangered species. 14.
48. Whereas the endangered species listing is determined solely upon scientific data, economics play a role in deciding critical habitat.
49. Opponents to the listing see it as an expensive attempt at an impossible dream and a misuse of the Endangered Species Act.
50. Maybe the cloning of endangered species is not just a scientific parlor trick.
51. The answer is that it can not, so the computer expert within a large organisation is an endangered species.
52. The giant panda is an endangered species. There are fewer than a thousand living in the wild.
53. Whilst knitting your designs you might spare a thought for Giant Pandas now very much an endangered species.
54. Now these animals are, basically, in the way, occupying caged needed for endangered species.
55. One among them did a little research and discovered that zebras were an endangered species who could survive only in herds.
56. The 429 page report includes a thorough and specific recovery plan for every endangered species.
57. It's one of a long list of endangered species in a 2 hour Central Documentary tonight.
58. The Endangered Species Act itself is now endangered by the Congress.
59. The extremely lucrative trade in endangered species is proving irresistible to countries in grave currency crisis.
60. The birds are included in the same category as tigers on the list of most endangered species.
More similar words: endangeredendangerspeciesin dangerdangerdangerousout of dangerangerspecifyspecialredundantredundancyspeciallyspecificspecimenspeciousstrangerespeciallyspecialtyspecifiedattendantdefendantspecialistspecializespecialityspecialisedependancedescendantattendanceunspecified
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